
Road to Nineveh 5 Star Review

Road to Nineveh 5 Star Review

I was thrilled to receive such a thoughtful and insightful review by this professional reviewer. Reviewed by Terri Stepek for Reader Views (06/2024) 5-Stars. Author Charles Besondy continues The Lighthouse series with book four, “Road to Nineveh: A Christian...

Book Tour for Road to Nineveh

Book Tour for Road to Nineveh

Through the months of March and April my latest novel is being spotlighted and/or reviewed by 23 book bloggers who follow genres such as thrillers, contemporary fiction, and Christian fiction. I’ve included links to all the blogs below. A tip of the hat to Rabt Book...

Gold Medal for Road to Nineveh

Gold Medal for Road to Nineveh

In March I was notified by the folks who run the annual Illumination Book Awards for Christian literature that Road to Nineveh received a gold medal in the Mystery/Thriller category. I am thrilled that the award will help to attract readers to the book that, through...

Road to Nineveh Launch

Road to Nineveh Launch

On January 4 at 5pm Central US time I live-streamed the official launch of Road to Nineveh, A Christian Psychological Thriller. I had a lot of fun giving the background to the book, reading one of the chapters, and answering a few questions from the viewers. Check it...

Clothing and Writer’s Block

Clothing and Writer’s Block

It has been said that Victor Hugo, author of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Misrables, wrote in the nude to overcome writer’s block. According to legend, he asked his servants to remove all clothing from the room so that he couldn’t leave before concluding his...

Tension and Conflict in Fiction

Tension and Conflict in Fiction

Next time you read a work of fiction, pay attention to how the author develops and maintains conflict and tension. This is especially important in the genres that promise tension, namely, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Horror, and even Romance. Ted Dekker teaches in his...

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