Through the months of March and April my latest novel is being spotlighted and/or reviewed by 23 book bloggers who follow genres such as thrillers, contemporary fiction, and Christian fiction.

I’ve included links to all the blogs below. A tip of the hat to Rabt Book Tours & PR for managing the tour so well.

Virtual Book Tour – March 11 – April 12

March 12 – The Faerie Review – Spotlight

March 13 – The Sexy Nerd Revue – Spotlight

March 14 – Our Town Book Reviews – Excerpt

March 15 – Nana’s Book Reviews – Spotlight

March 18 – Matters That count – Excerpt

March 19 – My Bookmarked Reads – Spotlight

March 20 – Characters Madness and Musings – Interview

March 21 – Tea Time and Books – Spotlight

March 22 – The Indie Express – Review

March 25 – Momma Says to Read or Not to Read – Spotlight

March 26 – BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog – Spotlight*

March 27 – The Avid Reader – Interview

March 28 – Crossroad Reviews – Spotlight*

March 29 – Novel News Network – Review

April 1 – Book Corner News and Reviews – Spotlight

April 2 – Book Junkiez – Excerpt

April 3 – Books Blog – Spotlight

April 4 – Writers N Authors – Interview

April 5 – Texas Book Nook – Review

April 8 – Momma and Her Stories – Excerpt

April 9 – On a Reading Bender – Review

April 10 – A Life Through Books – Interview

April 11 – Liliyana Shadowlyn – Spotlight