Clothing and Writer’s Block

Clothing and Writer’s Block

It has been said that Victor Hugo, author of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Misrables, wrote in the nude to overcome writer’s block. According to legend, he asked his servants to remove all clothing from the room so that he couldn’t leave before concluding his...
Tension and Conflict in Fiction

Tension and Conflict in Fiction

Next time you read a work of fiction, pay attention to how the author develops and maintains conflict and tension. This is especially important in the genres that promise tension, namely, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Horror, and even Romance. Ted Dekker teaches in his...
No Stinking Outlines

No Stinking Outlines

I’m frequently asked about how I start writing a book. The two most common of these questions are: How do I get ideas for a book, and do I outline the book before starting to write. I’ll address the outline question this month. Please realize there is no “one” way to...
Character Names

Character Names

Out of the blue, the opening lyrics to Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stone came to mind as I sat down to write the newsletter this month. “Please allow me to introduce myselfI’m a man of wealth and tasteI’ve been around for a long, long yearsStole...