The Latest Award-Winning Christian Thriller from Charles Besondy
When Charley Austin Marches to the Wrong Beat, Life Gets Ugly.
Book 4 in The Lighthouse Series
“What a story! This is one that rewards you the farther you delve into it.” – The Indie Express
“Witty and smart, this was a solid read with great writing.” – Novel News Network
“Besondy’s prose is both evocative and powerful, capturing the essence of spiritual turmoil and ultimate redemption.” – Readers’ Favorite
“This is a wonderfully crafted thriller.” –Texas Book Nook
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A gift from me to you.
Step (if you dare) into a riveting story of the spiritual battle for Clay Austin’s heart.
I selected 12 chapters for you that I believe reveal the characters and conflict without spoiling the tense journey and uplifting ending.
My Latest Posts
Audiobook in Production for Road to Nineveh
Production of the audiobook version of Road to Nineveh is about 50% complete. The narrator, Shawn Saavedra, is at the top of his game. Here's a sample chapter for your ears.
Book Tour for Road to Nineveh
Through the months of March and April my latest novel is being spotlighted and/or reviewed by 23 book bloggers who follow genres such as thrillers, contemporary fiction, and Christian fiction. I’ve included links to all the blogs below. A tip of the hat to Rabt Book...
Gold Medal for Road to Nineveh
In March I was notified by the folks who run the annual Illumination Book Awards for Christian literature that Road to Nineveh received a gold medal in the Mystery/Thriller category. I am thrilled that the award will help to attract readers to the book that, through...
Last Blogs
Audiobook Version of Road to Nineveh Widely Available
The audio version of my latest Christian thriller was released in May. It is widely available wherever audiobooks are sold, including Amazon. Spotify Barnes & Noble Storytel Libro Audiobooks Google Play Kobo Audible Amazon Here's a sample chapter for your...
Audiobook in Production for Road to Nineveh
Production of the audiobook version of Road to Nineveh is about 50% complete. The narrator, Shawn Saavedra, is at the top of his game. Here's a sample chapter for your ears.
In The Beginning
It all began as I sat uneasily in a high-back chair while 14 men in a semi-circle studied me intensely through dim candlelight rippled by rising smoke from white sage incense.
I was attending my first Christian men’s retreat. It was May 2015 a few days before my 65th birthday, and it was my turn to be in The Chair.
After long moments of silent prayer, each man, in turn, told me what the Holy Spirt was telling them to say as they studied me. I was not to respond – just listen and be present to their words.
Today, I can’t recall most of what was said to me in that room. What I do remember, because it struck such a powerful chord in me that night, was three of the men had said, “I see you as a tall shining beacon.”
I can assure you, up to that moment I didn’t see myself as anything close to a tall shining beacon – quite the contrary – but from that moment on I gradually began to see me as God intended. Something else happened that night in the cabin on the San Saba River in central Texas. Without me knowing it, the Holy Spirit had planted a seed that three years later would become my first novel, “The Hidden Saboteur.”
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