I was elated to learn that “The Chase,” was awarded a silver medal for Christian Mystery/Thrillers in the 2021 Illumination Book Awards.

This makes the third award my books have earned for Christian fiction. Awards are nice to receive and help to build awareness, but what thrills me more are the reviews the books are receiving.

Here are excerpts from two of the most recent reviews for “The Chase.” It’s currently available from Amazon in ebook format and an audiobook version is scheduled for a May 2021 release.

The author is a magnificent story crafter, delivering an engaging and suspenseful narrative that leaves you wanting more, but also concludes each small part of the story in a satisfying way. The attention to detail is second to none, giving us a clear and vivid description of the world in which the novel is set.

I am not religious, yet I find Besondy’s brand of Christian fiction, to be eminently readable and enjoyable. The uplifting and transformative Christian message is there to ponder, but it’s never overbearing.
The Chase is a story that just works on so many levels.